Programme overview
This course is designed for all healthcare professionals starting and or undertaking endoanal or total pelvic floor ultrasound (transperineal, transvaginal) scanning.
The course will enable delegates to gain experience in the interpretation of endoanal, transperineal and transvaginal scans.
The course also involves treatment of bowel dysfunction including rectal irrigation, sacral neuromodulation and both nurse and physiotherapy led approaches to bowel, bladder and vaginal dysfunction.
Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from experts at Guy’s and St Thomas’ on anatomy, obstetric injury, clinical assessments of the pelvic floor as well as take part in practical work stations each day.
This course runs over 3 days:
- Wednesday 6th March 2024 – 08:30-17:00
- Thursday 7th March 2024 – 08:15-17:00
- Friday 8th March 2024 – 08:15-17:00
Day One
Anatomy and Physiology of the pelvic floor
- Clinical Assessment of the Pelvic Floor
- Total Pelvic Floor Scanning (Transperineal, Transvaginal, 3D Transvaginal Scanning)
- Rectocoele
- Enterocoele
- Cystocoele
- Intussusception
Day Two
Anatomy and Physiology of the anal canal
- 3D Endoanal Ultrasound Scanning
- Obstetric Injury
- Fistula / Sepsis
Day Three
- PF initial assessment: subjective and objective
- PF initial assessment: subjective and objective
- Anterior PF dysfunction
- Posterior PF dysfunction
- Rectal Irrigation – TAI therapy
- PTNS: Bowel, what it is, indications and contraindications, treatment management
Who should attend
This course is offered nationwide and to all cohorts of specialties within the world of pelvic floor health. This will include consultant surgeons physicians, clinical nurse specialists, clinical scientists, GI physiologists, pelvic floor physiotherapists and registrars – all from both urology, uro-gynaecology and colorectal backgrounds.